मजेदार वीडियो, दिलचस्प तस्वीरें
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National Lampoons Animal House (1978) - Trivia - IMDb 
The scene where John Belushi is teaching everyone the "dirty lyrics" of The Kingsmens 1963 song "Louie Louie" is based on an actual investigation conducted by the FBI from 1963-65, in which the agency spent more than two and a half years trying to "decode" the song, based on complaints by religious and conservative groups that "profanity and obscenity" aimed at teenagers was "hidden" in the . . .   more

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मजेदार वीडियो , दिलचस्प वीडियो, मजाकिया चित्र , दिलचस्प तस्वीरें
मजेदार वीडियो , दिलचस्प वीडियो, मजाकिया चित्र , दिलचस्प तस्वीरें copyright ©2005-2012 